NAEC recently received requests for more information on the new long term EEG codes that will take effect on January 1, 2020. The new codes will not be publicly released until July 2019. NAEC, in collaboration with AAN, AES, and ACNS will distribute more information and hold several webinars later this year. A brief explanation of the new codes and the timeline for implementation can be found here.
Also, NAEC has heard from member centers that have been denied reimbursement when using R56.9, the convulsion ICD-10-CM symptom code. NAEC recommends that centers use the most precise ICD-10-CM code from the G40, Epilepsy and Recurrent Seizures section when billing for services. For patients with recurrent seizures that cannot be categorized with another G40 code utilize G40.89, other seizures. For a complete list of the G40 section of the ICD-10 manual, click here.
Contact NAEC at with any additional questions.