NAEC Accreditation Process for 2021 — Results from July COVID Survey
At its July meeting, the NAEC Board made decisions on how to proceed with epilepsy center accreditation for 2021 taking into consideration the impact of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The NAEC letter on the accreditation process, which will begin this November can be found here. In addition, NAEC is asking that you provide us specific questions about accreditation as we plan to distribute an FAQ with more details on accreditation.
NAEC will be releasing a series of short surveys about the current state of epilepsy care this fall to provide data as we begin a process to revise the NAEC Guidelines and subsequently, the accreditation criteria. Participation in these surveys is mandatory for all NAEC centers. More information will be released in the next few weeks.
The responses to the second NAEC COVID Survey can be found here. Many thanks to those of you who participated in the survey as it informed the NAEC Board in its decisions related to the 2021 accreditation process.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Email NAEC at